Written by Jack Rabbit
For the first time I’m scared. I mean really scared. For the first time in my lifetime it looks like America may actually be coming to an end.
As I traveled over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays I payed special attention to the public. At gas stations and shopping centers – I took the time to observe. We are doomed. These people have nothing, know nothing, and are not interested. Talk about rabble.
As I spoke to members of my family at holiday celebrations – about topics foreign to me – like what’s going on with their favorite TV show… my heart sank. No hope.
As I browsed the web to see the most recent joke of a terrorist attack – just enough not to cause property damage but just enough to scare the cringing American soccer-moms – I just stared. The conversation in the background continued – I didn’t participate.
America is presently doomed. I’ve not even had the energy to do much blogging – since the words seem to fall on a mass of sheep intent on filling their stomachs. These are not citizens – they are consumers – oblivious to the death and destruction spread in their names.
The American citizen has become a penniless tool of credit card companies – unable to perform their duty as citizen since they cannot collect enough brain energy to grasp the mind-fuck under which they live. They live for a few moments between jobs – or rides to their children’s activities, while monsters blow their still-uncollected tax money on expensive robot-drones used to kill “terrorists” – whatever they are. Ask an American what a terrorist is – you might as well ask a cinderblock.
We need a plan, leadership, and decisive action to save America. Our leaders have failed us. Many are being blackmailed. Unless those of us with the answers are taken seriously in public and supported this country is gone.
But maybe I’m wrong – that there really are Americans out there. That there are people who understand that anyone pretending that they have the power to take away their rights is a traitor and an enemy.
Will there be a country for our grandchildren to inherit?
In the coming year it will be of the utmost importance to educate, invigorate and galvanize all. The American public is up against an organized force of thieves, liars and power-hungry oligarchs with the means, motive and opportunity to take everything. But what does it matter?
Our Bill of Rights is the only thing we have right now. There is absolutely no respect given to the Constitution of the United States – Why? Why when we have a so-called constitutional scholar in the White House? Perhaps the best way to undermine the Constitution is with someone who understands it best. And I’ve concluded from my holiday observations that no one is looking out for the American citizen regarding the Constitution of the United States.
Especially not the American citizen. No – they cling to their belief that “somebody cares” – or maybe they are so ignorant of the theft of the only thing they have that matters – unique in time – and unique in world history – their Bill of Rights and Constitution – …
I am concerned that the media is useless providing zero feedback to the population so elections can work. I am concerned that our elections are stolen – by companies who can give a paper receipt for a bank transaction at an ATM but not at the election booth. I am concerned that we have mercenary armies raping and pillaging half the planet with our money but not representing our ideals. I am concerned that our elected representatives, blackmailed, are using mercenaries to continue wars that have no support here in the United States. I am concerned that false-flag operations are constantly used, with the support of a phony news media – to stampede the American public into actions contrary to their freedoms. That’s treason by the way.
For the first time in my life I’ve heard stable even-tempered adults discussing violent revolution. How crazy is that? Is that what it is going to take?
Where is the FBI on 911 Truth? AWOL. Our insane alphabet-soup agencies, CIA, NSA and the rest of them are simply a bunch of robotic brainwashed idiots – running around the world sticking their noses in everyone else’s business – then when their nation-building antics backfire – we, the American public, are supposed to sit here and accept the police state required to maintain this madness. How about no?
How about no more prisons? How about no more cops running around with automatic rifles in this “land of the free and home of the brave?” How about some real change we can believe in?
President Obama "Who is he?"
Obama is a fraud, a liar, and as far as I am concerned a traitor. He is a one-world government con-artist with no respect for what America really stands for. He is a front-man for a group of con-artists – troops to Yemen, Columbia, Pakistan – continue the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, saber-rattling toward Iran. Is this clown for real? Why doesn’t he declare war on the North Pole? Or is that a coming attraction?
Here in Charlottesville, Virginia we’ve recently been buried under a blanket of snow too high to drive through with most Jeeps. The entire town crippled – couldn’t plow our own roads. What if Al Quaida attacked then? People were stuck in their cars overnight – no emergency crews could reach them. Yeah – we are really a superpower. Meanwhile our military is deployed the world over to save everything.
Obama through Executive Order Gave Interpol Free Rein in America.
2010 must be the year of the plan. We need leadership, ideas and action. We need to shit-can our members of the House of Representatives – the first place to look – who don’t know what a Bill of Rights is. We need to kick out anybody trampling on that Bill of Rights. Then we need to start working out from there.
Our dysfunctional House of Representatives is the starting line – the first place to focus all actions. And we need them to tackle the big issues – like 911 Truth and these phony wars. Anybody using the term “War on Terror” needs to be fired – period.
Betsey Ross created the first American Flag
I guess I’ve ranted enough – I just hope some of this sank in. We are in big, big trouble here in America – and if we don’t get organized and unite as Americans – we’ll be saluting a new flag very very soon.
[Via http://afteramerica.wordpress.com]
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