Friday, October 30, 2009

Ford realiza recall de Ranger e Explorar no Brasil

A Ford anunciou hoje a realização de um recall envolvendo os modelos Ranger e Explorer. De acordo com a marca, unidades da picape feitas entre 1995 e 2002 e do utilitário importadas entre 1995 e 1997 deverão comparecer a um concessionário autorizado para verificação no sistema de controle de velocidade. A empresa informa que os veículos equipados com motor V6 estão envolvidos na convocação.

Em nota, a Ford afirma que pode haver infiltração no fluido de freio no controle de cruzeiro, na região interna do interruptor que desativa o sistema. Este fato pode gerar incêndios no sistema. A solução seria instalar um chicote adicional no circuito de desativação do controlador de velocidade.

Os proprietários destes veículos devem contatar um concessionário autorizado para agendar a instalação do chicote. Os procedimentos se iniciam na próxima terça-feira (3). A Ford disponibiliza o telefone 0800-703-3673 para solucionar dúvidas ou dar mais informações.

Volvo Bakal Jadi Perusahaan Cina

(STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Beijing, 30 Oktober 2009 - Konsorsium yang dipimpin induk perusahaan mobil Cina, Geely, mungkin sebentar lagi jadi pemilik pabrik mobil mewah Swedia, Volvo. Pada Rabu (28/10), Ford menyatakan bahwa konsorsium dari Cina yang dipimpin, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, menjadi calon pembeli paling kuat.

Saat ini Volvo masih dimiliki raksasa otomotif Amerika Serikat, Ford. Karena Ford sedang mengalami masalah keuangan, dan dipaksa menjual unit-unit yang tidak perlu, mereka pun akan melepas Volvo.

Geely ini sekarang menjadi pabrik Cina terbesar ke-11. Merek ini sudah mengedarkan mobilnya di Indonesia sejak dua tahun silam, tapi kemudian menghilang.

Pertengahan tahun ini beredar kabar mereka akan kembali masuk ke Indonesia dengan menjual sedan yang harganya di bawah Rp 150 juta. Mereka juga akan membuat pabrik di dekat Jakarta setelah ditolak Malaysia.

Usaha Geely menguasai Volvo ini mendapat sejumlah masalah. Persoalan pertama adalah soal teknologi. Selama 10 tahun terakhir, Ford dan Volvo saling membuka rahasia teknologi. Ford tidak ingin akses ke teknologi Volvo ikut hilang.

Persoalan kedua, Geely mesti berhitung bahwa mereka akan membiayai dan mengelola sebuah anak perusahaan yang ukurannya lebih besar dari mereka sendiri. Selain itu, posisinya juga jauh di benua lain.

Yang ketiga, penolakan politikus dan para pemimpin Swedia jika mereka dikuasai perusahaan Cina. Awal tahun ini, misalnya, perusahaan Cina yang lain, Beijing Automotive Industry Holding, gagal mengambil alih Opel dari General Motors karena para politikus Jerman ribut.

Geely segera menyatakan kepada Swedia bahwa pabrik, pusat riset, dan operasi pengembangan Volvo tidak akan dipindah dari negara Nordik itu. Mereka juga berjanji bahwa manajemen Volvo tetap terpisah dari Geely.

Ada juga persoalan di dalam tubuh Geely sendiri. Sebagian saham Geely Automobile dilepas di bursa Hongkong. Pertengahan tahun ini mereka sudah berjanji kepada pasar bahwa mereka tidak akan mencoba membeli Volvo. Membeli Volvo ini sama dengan menambah utang yang besar.

Saham mayorita Geely Automotive itu dimiliki Zhejiang Geely, yang selain otomotif bergerak di berbagai bidang seperti suku cadang sepeda motor dan perhotelan. Sekarang, yang membeli Volvo bukan Geely Automotive tapi perusahaan induknya, Zhejiang Geely.

Jika jadi memiliki Volvo, maka perusahaan Swedia itu akan tetap secara resmi terpisah dari Geely Automobile. Langkah ini juga mungkin bisa menenangkan Swedia yang gelisah bahwa Volvo, salah satu simbol negeri mereka, dikuasai Cina.

Sumber foto Geely | Logo Volvo

Monday, October 26, 2009

Deep under cover...

Report to M. London.

Scrambler code #901845.

Report follows:

Have penetrated the innermost sanctum of car sales lair, deep undercover.

Have discovered many secrets and unearthed various plots.

However main mission so far unsuccessful, regret as yet am no nearer to uncovering the ultimate mystery.

Am still unable to discern quite why they insist on displaying cars on the forecourt with the tailgates up.

Will remain undercover until can shed further light on this..

007 out.

Ford Gains, Rivals Falter; Market Share Rises

Ford Motor Co. has weathered the car industry’s downturn better than many competitors. Now some analysts think the company has turned the corner so far it could report break-even results for its core North American operations or even an overall profit when it releases third-quarter earnings Nov. 2.

At the heart of Ford’s relative success has been its ability to minimize its year-over-year sales declines while taking advantage of its competitors’ weakness and grabbing market share.

Ford continues to benefit from stronger prices for both its new and used cars that should boost results at its wholly owned financing arm, Ford Motor Credit. The trend could help the company reverse large losses accounted for in 2008 at the unit based on anticipated declines in the value of its leased vehicles.

Another positive sign could come in a report expected to be released soon by auto guide Kelly Blue Book. Two Ford vehicles will appear on the list of 2010 model-year vehicles projected to retain the greatest amount of their original retail price after five years of ownership, said a person familiar with the matter. Last year, no Ford car or truck held a spot on the 2009 model-year list. Ford also is expected to perform well in the annual auto-reliability survey by Consumer Reports, due out Tuesday.

In the second quarter, the car maker reported a profit of $2.3 billion, though that came mainly from gains it recorded as part of efforts to restructure its debt. Excluding the gains, Ford would have reported a loss of $424 million, still narrower than a comparable loss of $1.03 billion a year earlier and much better than analysts had expected. The company has lost more than $30 billion since 2006.

The improved results have helped build Chief Executive Alan Mulally’s image as a turnaround leader. But Ford still carries a massive debt after borrowed $23.5 billion in 2006 to fund its restructuring. Many on Wall Street are waiting to see how Ford will cut its debt load.

The optimistic earnings outlook comes at a delicate time for Ford. It recently won additional concessions from the leadership of the United Auto Workers, including a reduction in work rules and a no-strike pledge. But the new agreement, the second amendment to its labor accord this year, is in the midst of a ratification vote from the union rank-and-file, and some have already voiced opposition to the concessions.

Despite an improved outlook, Ford hasn’t revised its profitability forecast, stating the company won’t break even or make money until 2011. A person familiar with the matter at Ford said that even if encouraging signs continue to emerge, Ford may stay conservative about how quickly it can return to sustained moneymaking.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tom fordismo

Alguem já leu alguma coisa sobre a última de Tom Ford? eu já tinha lido fazia algum tempo e estava só ensaiando escrever sobre, mas nunca lembrava, pois bem, lembrei agora. Tom, um dos estilistas e designers de maior destaque na sociedade contemporanea, resolveu sair um pouco do seu campo mais comum de atuação e assumir uma direção em um filme. Como seus fãs devem saber, Tom é perfeccionista, é o cara que quando se enche de uma equipe em uma sessão de fotografia, demite todo mundo, faz todo o trabalho sozinho e ainda tem um resultado infinitamente superior. Ai você já imagino como vai ser seu filme não é mesmo?

Ele coloca nas telas a adaptação de um romance do escritor britânico Christopher Isherwood: “A Single Man”, o longa  se passa em 1962 e retrata a amargurada história de um solitario professor britanico (Colin Firth) que perde seu amante que o acompanhou durante 16 anos. Entre depressão e pensamentos suicidas ele conta com o apoio de sua melhor amiga (Julianne Moore) e a obsessão de um jovem aluno para tentar dar sentido a vida.

Vale a pena ver o trailer e conferir o belissimo tratamento que foi dado ao mesmo, para mim um trailer define muita coisa sobre um filme e esse garante muita vontade de saber o que vai rolar. Belas imagens, acompanhamento musical bastante interessante, drama, Colin Firth, Julianne Moore e Tom Ford? Não precisa nem falar mais nada! A Single Man promete!

O Trailer:

xoxo lucas.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PRE-ORDER 2010 Boost Bunny Calendars NOW!!

Orange County Diesel has done it again! Bringing Girls and Diesels and wrapping it all in one… Boost Bunny Calendar 2010!!

About Boost Bunny:

The initial concept that propelled Orange County Diesel to begin promoting movement towards an unparalleled exclusive event was simply answered by asking how to include ladies across the nation to participate in the thriving performance industry. Respectfully taking into account for a lively and playful, sassy and sexy, yet tasteful concept focusing on the question at hand, they found a unique answer that has since been captivating many people’s attention across the country. And from many perspectives, it seems that this industry is now getting the spice it has needed for quite some time!!

Boost Bunny has grown into an exciting symbolic icon that promotes infinite representation composing of glamour, tease, and decency wrapped into one package. Growing in scores of popularity, the coveted Boost Bunny title offers what most every girl wants and every man needs, ATTENTION! An appearance in the spotlight and recognition for her beauty are the channeled focus for the Boost Bunny contestants.

Pay It Forward:

Orange County Diesel is also VERY compassionate for those who are of less fortunate situations and the action to pay it forward, Orange County Diesel is committed to giving 10% of all proceeds received through apparel sales from Boost Bunny to the Children’s Cancer Research Fund.

Who is the Boost Bunny?

Boost Bunny is a prestigious title given to the ladies who exude a presence, respect, and appreciation towards the world of diesel trucks and its power. Check out the TOP 13 Finalists below! The Boost Bunny WINNER will be announced on November 30th, 2009!!!

Pre-Order your Boost Bunny 2010 Calendar now at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Time Drag Racing The Car.

I went to Atlanta Dragway over in Commerce, GA this past Friday and raced the car for the first time. It was also my first time racing – period. I think I can shift fairly quick, it’s just launching the car that kills me. As you can see from the following graphic, my 60′ times suck – bad.  I’m fairly confident the car is capable of lower 12’s with a proper launch. My very first run looks funny because I missed a gear. I believe the R/T given on the slips is the R/T – 0.500. So those could be much better, too. I believe once I’m more comfortable with it, period, I’ll be able to concentrate more on launching correctly.

Monday, October 19, 2009

OCDiesel Lowering Prices on Superchip's Products

Orange County Diesel and have lowered our prices on Superchip’s products including: Flashpaq, Tirepaq, Cortex and Mileage XS to the lowest possible prices.

With over 25 years of experience Superchips delivers specialized performance and features for your Ford Powerstroke, GM Duramax, Dodge Cummins. Holy crap performance. The kind of performance that leaves you asking is this legal? Barely. The kind of performance you can’t live without once you’ve experienced it. And the kind of quality and support that leaves you with no regrets.

So if your shopping around for a diesel performance programmer that delivers look no further that Superchips. Click one of the below links to order your Superchips programmer from and SAVE!!

Superchips Products:




Mileage XS

Friday, October 16, 2009

An "app store" for your car?

Every new  car is basically a computer. So where are all the cool apps?

If the auto industry wants to unleash innovation, perhaps it should give outside technologists “unlocked” cars (the computing platforms, not the doors) so that they can develop interesting software applications like the driverless car a group of Stanford University engineers let me test drive.

Read the whole column here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ford anuncia recall de 4,5 milhões de veículos nos EUA

Folha de S. Paulo/EFE

A Ford anunciou hoje um recall nos Estados Unidos de 4,5 milhões de veículos, na oitava medida deste tipo do fabricante relacionada a um interruptor do controle de velocidade que pode causar incêndios.

A Administração Nacional de Segurança na Estrada (NHTSA, em inglês) americana afirmou que, com o recall de hoje, há 16 milhões de automóveis Ford no país que foram afetados pelo defeito.

A falha no interruptor, fabricado pela Texas Instruments, pode provocar um vazamento de líquido do sistema hidráulico, e este pode superaquecer e queimar.

A Ford afirmou, em carta enviada à NHTSA, que “não tem notícia de que tenham ocorrido acidentes, lesões ou mortes relacionados à fumaça ou a incêndios em nenhum dos veículos chamados a revisão”.

As unidades afetadas são dos modelos Windstar, Excursion diesel, F-Super Duty diesel, Econoline, Explorer e Mercury Mountaineer, Ranger e F53 Motorhome, dos anos que vão de 1992 a 2003.

Fonte: (Folha de S. Paulo/EFE) |

Ford Tarik 4,5 Juta Produknya Karena Bermasalah

Ford Excursion 2003

Detroit, 14 Oktober 2009 - Akibat tidak berfungsinya switch cruise control Ford yang menarik kembali sekitar 4,5 juta kendaraannya. Seperti dikutip Associated Press, saat alat untuk mematikan dan mengaktifkan cruise control difungsikan, pada beberapa kasus ternyata menimbulkan kebakaran.

Mobil yang ditarik itu adalah, Ford Windstar produksi 1995 – 2003, Ford Excursion diesel 2000-2003, Ford F-Super Duty diesel produksi 1993-1997 and 1999-2003, Ford Econoline 1992 – 2003, Ford Explorer 1995 – 2002, Mercury Mountaineer 1995 – 2002, Ford Ranger 1995 – 2002 dan 2001 – 2003, dan Ford F35 Motorhome produksi 1994.

“Hasil pengecekan di lapangan menunjukkan, sebagian besar kendaraan yang ditarik kembali tidak memiliki risiko keselamatan yang signifikan. Kendati demikian, kami tetap menariknya (recall) untuk memberi kenyamanan pelanggan dan menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan di kemudian hari,” demikian bunyi laporan Ford kepada Badan Keselamatan lalu Lintas Amerika Serikat. ( National Highway Traffic Safety Administration/NHTSA).

Piranti cruise control yang dipasang pada mobil Ford tersebut merupakan produksi dari Texas Instrument. Menurut laporan Ford yang disampaikan ke NHSTA ketidaksempurnaan fungsi cruise control switch tersebut juga berpotensi menyebabkan berkurangnya minyak rem sehingga menggangu sistem pengereman (antilock brake module).

“Dengan demikian akan memicu terjadinya kebakaran,” ujar juru bicara Ford, Wes Sherwood. Sherwood juga menyebutkan, sejak 2003 lalu, Ford sudah tidak menggunakan komponen yang diproduksi oleh Texas Instrument tersebut. Dan kini, Texas Instrument sendiri sudah tidak memiliki divisi yang memproduksi cruise control switch itu.

NHTSA juga menyebut, dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir Ford telah melakukan penarikan kembali 14 juta produknya karena alasan dan penyebab yang sama. Dan penarikan Ford kali ini merupakan penarikan yang terbesar.

Sumber foto

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Captiva X Edge X...e ...

Vou começar pelo Captiva.

O Captiva entrou na “Fmília Chevrolet” para substituir a Blazer, que já naum se vendia quase nada.Veio do México, mas tinha sido planejado pela marca coreana Daewo, que era da GM.Sendo esse o único ponto positivo para o Captiva.

É equipado com um motor 3.6L de 261 Cv, não deve ser nada evonômico.O interior é bonito, mas pelo nível do carro ele teria que ser bem melhor.

Uma coisa que tá muito bizarra nos carros da chevrolet é o logo da chevrolet, fica aquele negócio dorado e gigante fora de sintonia com todos os outros elementos do carro.

A versão mais básica sai por R$  92.000,00 e a top de linha por                       R$ 99.000,00.


Já o Ford Edge é outra conversa, é pra quem tem muito dinheiro e um pouco de bom gosto.

O acabamento da Ford é espetacular, e eu falo isso dos carros de 30 mil, imaginem em um carro de R$ 179.000,00.

É disponível em uma só versão, é bem mais completo do que o Captiva, muito mais luxuoso, muitos mais caro e mais potente.

É equipado com um motor V6 de 3.5L que gera 169 Cv.Também não deve ser econômico mas pra quem tem dinheiro para compra um desses naum se preocupa com economia.

É um carro bem encorpado e com traços que lembram seu “primo” : o Fusion.

O interior é a imagem que define Luxo e Beleza.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

자동차회사 포드에게 배우는 소셜미디어전략

이글은 FORD자동차의 글로벌 디지털, 멀티미디어 커뮤니케이션 매니저 스캇몬티(ScottMonty)의 “Zero to 60: 소셜미디어 스토리” 강연동영상을 기본으로 합니다.

이 프리젠테에션에서 스캇몬티는 어떻게 포드가 소셜미디어를 통해 진실성, 투명성, 접근성을 높였는지 이야기합니다.


포드의 문제점은, 포드라는 브랜드의 퍼스널리티가 없어 어떠한 의지, 갖고싶은 열망을 주지 못한다는 것이었다. 따라서, 포드의 소셜미디어 활용전략은 포드라는 무미건조한 브랜드에 사람들을 연결시킴으로써 ‘인간성’을 드러내고, 흥분과 기쁨을 주려는 것이다.

진실성 : 소셜미디어는 당신이 누구인가를 증폭시킬뿐이다

나쁜회사의 나쁜상품은 나쁘게 설명될수밖에 없다. 소셜미디어는 좋은 회사에 좋은 상품을 더 좋게 설명할 뿐이다. 소셜미디어의 90%는 자랑하는 것이다. 자랑할만한 상품이 있다면 소셜미디어를 통해 제대로 자랑할 수 있다.

접근성 :컨텐츠를 자유롭게 풀어라

포드가 보유한 좋은 컨텐츠들은 사람들이 접근하기는 어려웠다. 이런 리소스들을 끌어내어 어디서든지 접근할 수 있게 풀어내면, 사람들은 자율적으로 공유하고, 이야기하기 시작한다.

사람들은 우리가 듣고 있고 언제나 옆에 있다고 느끼는 것을 중요하게 여기기 때문에 우리는 페이스북, 딜리셔스, 플리커, 트위터, 유투브, 커뮤니티 등 다양한 소셜미디어를 사용한다.

그러나 역시 이것들은 툴일뿐이다. 툴은 계속 바뀌고 나라마다 다르기 때문에, 기본철학과 목적을 공유하고 그것을 위해 행동하는 것이 더 중요하다.

모든사람은 저마다의 자동차스토리가 있기에, 수많은 스토리를 수면위로 이끌어내는것이 우리가 할 일이다.

더 포드스토리 웹사이트에서는 포드에 대한 이야기를 담기 위해 제작되었다. 여기서는, 단지 포드가 포드에 대해서 하는 말이 아니라, 사람들이 우리에 대해서 무엇을 말하는 지도 함께 보여준다.
우리는 피에스타무브먼트 사이트 에서는 지원자 100명에게 각각 1대씩 차를 6달 동안 빌려주고, 그들이 비디오나 이야기들을 자유롭게 올리도록 했다. 이것은 필터링되지 않게 자동으로 업데이트되고, 많은 이야기들을 들려주었다.

리더쉽이 중요하다

포드 브랜드의 소셜성공은 앨런 맬럴리(포드 CEO)같은 리더가 서포트해준 결과다. 앨런은 소셜미디어를 이해했고 기꺼이 참여했다. 스캇몬티는 앨런회장과 함께 트위터를 하는 장면을 유투브에 올렸다. 그의 소탈하고 즐거워하는 모습은 많은 사람의 반응을 이끌어냈다.

우리는 빠른 대응을 원칙으로 한다. Marc라는 사람이 트위터에서 나에게 말했다. 이번주에 두번째 Edge Sport(포드의 자동차종류)를 테스트드라이브했는데, 나 미친거 아니라고 앨런회장이 전화좀  해달라고.

그래서 나는 앨런(포드 CEO)에게 이 사람에게 바로 전화하라고 했고, 앨런은 진짜 전화를 걸었다.

회장의 전화를 받아 깜짝놀란  Mark는 블로그에 이 ‘놀라운 일’을 올렸고 이 이야기는 퍼져나갔다.

우리가 진짜 그들의 이야기를 듣고 있다는 것을 알려줬을 뿐이다.

우리는 항상 어디에서든지 듣고 답하고 행한다.

결국 우리는 2009년 2월 소셜미디어 활용랭킹 10위로 진입했다.

질문 : 기존에 있는 외부 커뮤니티가 많은데, 어떻게 이들을 제어하는가.
조사를 해보면, 외부커뮤니티에는 미디어에 기민한 그룹들과 그렇지 못한 그룹들이 있다. 미디어에 기민한 그룹들을 교육시키고 대화한다. 상위 10%만 제어할 수 있다해도 사실 훌륭하다.

질문 : 소셜미디어 프로젝트 성공을 어떻게 정의하는가?
사실 소셜미디어와 세일즈를 1:1로 매칭시킬 수는 없다. 우리는 일련의 활동들을 소셜 서포트라고 생각한다. 물론 정량적 평가도 한다. 주단위로 경쟁사들 – 폭스바겐, 도요타 등의 글로벌 자동차기업의 소셜미디어 컨텐츠, 브랜드선호도를 조사한다.


이 사람이 말하고자 하는 내용은 딱 3가지입니다.

  • 소셜미디어는 진실을 알리기때문에, 잘난제품을 가진기업에게 유리하다. 자신의 프로덕트에 자신있다면 두려울게 없이 자랑하러 소셜미디어에 뛰어들어라.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Research Proposal for Graduate European History Seminar

The historiography of corporate complicity with the Nazis can be separated in terms of Military, Political, Ideological, and Economic support, though there is some understandable overlap considering the extensive scope of some of the organizations involved. Additionally, a fifth ‘category’ has more recently emerged: that of corporate history, or work that was commissioned by some of the very companies accused of collaboration to whitewash their image.

Military aid is perhaps the most concrete place to begin this discussion. This type came in the form of building tanks, warplanes, munitions, poison gas, and most importantly, research and development of new military technology. Much of the research done thus far on this topic has been recent, though its beginnings originate with work done by Bradford Snell, a U.S. Senate staff attorney who was hired to inquire into anti-competitive practices of Ford and GM in 1974. What was surprising to both the Senate and the public was that the backdrop of this report contained new evidence, which Snell used to argue that both of these organizations also monopolized the Nazi war effort, building a majority of the Third Reich’s planes, tanks, and trucks.[1] This argument was expanded upon by the team of researchers, Reinhold Billstein, Karola Fings, Anita Kugler and Nicholas Levis, who published Working for the Enemy: Ford, General Motors and Forced Labor in Germany during the Second World War. Not only did they argue that Ford and GM were instrumental to the Nazi war effort building trucks, warships, tanks, and aircraft, but also helped in develop advanced munitions.[2]

By contrast, the research done on the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, has continued since the Allied victory. Writing not long after the war’s end, both Josiah Du Bois and Richard Sasuly argue that this organization was both critical to the building of Nazi armaments and well connected to American corporate entities.[3]

Information technology was also a major resource to Nazi war aims. According to historian Edwin Black in IBM and the Holocaust, Hitler was very interested in being a partner with this corporation because of the early version of its revolutionary new tool, the computer. With this, the Nazis could achieve its two main goals: organizing Germany’s rearmament and committing genocide.[4]

The line is blurred in surveying the historiography of political support for the Nazis. Many leaders of corporations discussed earlier, such as Henry & Edsel Ford, James Mooney of GM, and Thomas J. Watson of IBM all held U.S. government positions or at least had strong influence on domestic and international policy. These facts are included in the arguments of Black, Billstein and Kugler. Other figures, such as Ernst Hanfstaengl, were less well known; but as historian Stephen Norwood argued, equally crucial to shoring up political support for the Hitler regime early on.[5]

The historiography of ideological support for the Nazis in America not only has overlap with the previous topics, as political support does, but is also situated more widely within context of American culture. The currents of racist ideology were present in many circles of American life in that era. Therefore, there is a wide array of historical literature to draw upon, such as the work by Donald Warren, who argued that the American radio evangelist Charles Coughlin received briefings from Nazi officials as he purposefully fanned the flames of racial hatred over the airwaves.[6] Additionally in the book War Against the Weak, Edwin Black contends that American eugenics pseudo-scientists were not only a direct inspiration to Hitler, but actually assisted Nazi genocidal goals.[7]

Before turning to the historiography of economic support originating in America for the Third Reich, it is important to consider the corporate historiography of this field. While the core arguments of many of the previous texts noted here espouse the idea that these companies that had business relations with Nazis did so purposefully and took steps to retain their majority ownership and American management, this next group is decidedly different.[8] Each organization exhibited a different response to this research. For instance, Ford was fairly candid about their involvement, opening their archives to a team of researchers and publishing the findings on their website.[9] GM, on the other hand, hired the controversial business historian, Henry Ashby Turner, who wrote several books on the subject, including the widely cited Big Business and the Rise of Hitler.[10] According to Edwin Black, Turner was given exclusive access to GM archives, which he then restricted in his own collection at Yale.[11] I.G. Farben also retained a corporate historian, Peter Hayes, who was paid directly by the corporation to argue that the company lost control to Nazi officials.[12]

To manage my exploration into the growing field of research into the interactions of U.S. business entities and Nazi Germany, I have chosen economic aid as a specific topic to focus on. Because all other businesses, namely automotive, aeronautic, communications, and chemical industries were fully dependent on access to financial capital to operate, it is appropriate to isolate the financial industry as a critical component of all of these interactions. Therefore, in my seminar paper I plan to address the following lines of inquiry: Which American financial organizations did business in Nazi Germany and what mechanisms did they employ to do so? How do they interrelate to these other industries?

Some sources, which constitute what little there is of an economic historiography that addresses these particular questions, already exist: For instance, Charles Higham argues in his book, Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot, that both Chase Bank and National City Bank were involved in financing various war production activities.[13] Higham also contends that Americans at the helm of the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland facilitated vital Nazi financial transactions as well.[14] Additionally, the arguments of John Buchanan, Ben Aris, and Duncan Campbell all revolve around the deliberate financial collaboration of the Union Banking Corporation with Nazi organizations.[15] All of these works draw upon Anthony Sutton’s book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, in which Sutton argues that all of these organizations “…aided Nazism wherever possible (and profitable) – with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States.”[16]

In the course of searching for primary sources regarding this topic, I compared two well known books on the subject: Charles Higham’s Trading with the Enemy and Edwin Black’s IBM and the Holocaust.[17] During this process, I located an archive of Higham’s source material with the help of the lawyer Michael Ravnitzky, who had requested the original documents Higham obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.[18] I have since made arrangements to examine this archive, located at the University of Southern California, on October 12-14th. The sources contained within this archive have the potential to help answer the questions I have posed, considering Higham’s specific focus on financial corporations.

Research into the financial side of corporate dealings with the Nazis fleshes out the historiography on the topic as a whole. While there are many sources for military, political, and ideological support for Nazism in America, the work on economics has been lagging behind. Both Jacques Pauwels and Edwin Black have agreed and encouraged assertions on this matter.[19] However, Black has suggested that this particular part of the field may not be expandable to a great degree until businesses like Chase open their archives to historians; he believes that new insights may be gained from the sources I have located.[20]

There are theoretical concepts that can be applied to this field of research. In answering the question of how these business deals were negotiated, the work of Michael Mann on the nature of power within societies can be directly related to the widespread military, economic, political, and ideological collaboration between America and the Third Reich. In The Sources of Social Power, Mann utilizes these same categories to argue that “Societies are constituted of multiple overlapping and intersection sociospatial networks of power.”[21] Dr. Mann has expressed willingness to entertain the notion that it is possible to apply this framework to this particular topic.[22]

This line of inquiry is important for several reasons. On a broad scale, exploring the connections between American business and the Third Reich transforms the narrative of the World War II era. Whether for profit, anti-communist ideology, anti-Semitism, or all of the above, the relationship between Nazis and Americans takes on a new dynamic in this context. Additionally, this emerging work also changes the picture of how the U.S. became a superpower coming out of World War II, creating a potentially corrosive effect on its claim to moral authority throughout the world. This research also calls into question how both American and Israeli Jews perceive themselves within the framework of U.S. geopolitical strategy. Finally, the study of historical patterns in the relationship between Business and War may help prevent the reoccurrences of such activity in the future.

[1] Bradford Snell, U.S. Congress Senate Committee on the Judiciary, American Ground Transport (1974) A-22. This prompted GM to write a rebuttal, which it successfully pressured the Senate (in an unprecedented move) into attaching to the report. It would take another three decades before researchers would come forward to contest GM’s argument.

[2] Reinhold Billstein, et al., Working for the Enemy: Ford, General Motors and Forced Labor in Germany During the Second World War, (New York: Berghahn Books, 2000)

[3] Richard Sasuly, IG Farben, (New York: Boni & Gaer Press, 1947) 8. Sasuly’s work joins the ranks of others such as Borkin and Welsh (Germany’s Master Plan) and Corwin Edwards, who focused their attention on I.G. Farben before the war actually ended. Edwards published a report for the Kilgore Committee, which was an effort on the part of the U.S. Senate to investigate the relationship of monopolies and cartels in the war effort. The overlapping interests in I.G. Farben exposed in this committee included Standard Oil, DuPont, GM & Ford, all of whom had members on I.G. Farben’s board of directors. Josiah E. Du Bois, The Devil’s Chemists (Boston: The Beacon Press, 1952) 357-63. Du Bois’ work also focuses on I.G. Farben, expanding upon the involvement of its former executives and technocrats in American business in the latter half of the book. Du Bois and his team of researchers argue that these individuals had a direct effect on U.S. ‘bulwark’ policy toward the Soviet Union which prescribed building up Nazi Germany militarily.

[4] Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporatio, (New York: Crown Publishing, 2001). This well sourced documentation of U.S. corporate collaboration with the Nazis provides yet another example of the pattern of deliberate and ruthless implementation of Nazi goals.

[5] Stephen H. Norwood, “Legitimating Nazism: Harvard University and the Hitler Regime,

1933-1937.” American Jewish History 92, no. 2 (June 2004). 193-199. Norwood explains some political connections of this figure who was “…Scion of a wealthy Munich family, Hanfstaengl had been one of Hitler’s earliest backers, joining his Nazi movement in 1922 largely because he shared Hitler’s virulent anti-Semitism. After the abortive beer hall putsch in 1923, Hitler had taken refuge at Hanfstaengl’s country villa outside Munich, where he was arrested. Hanfstaengl provided important financial assistance to the Nazi party when it was first establishing itself in the early 1920s. He also later claimed to have introduced the stiff-armed Nazi salute and Sieg Heil chant, modeled on a gesture and a shout he had used as a Harvard football cheerleader…Hitler considered Hanfstaengl valuable because his wealth, air of sophistication, and fluency in English helped legitimate the Nazi party in conservative, upper-class circles, both in Germany and abroad. Hanfstaengl was descended on his mother’s side from a prominent Back Bay family, the Sedgwicks, which facilitated his entry into influential Boston Brahmin circles.”

[6] Donald Warren, Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, The Father of Hate Radio. (New York:

The Free Press/Simon & Schuster 1996), 1-2, 115. 129-160.

[7] Edwin Black,  War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a

Master Race. (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows 2003).

[8] Both Black and Billstein, et. al. frequently make the point that IBM, Ford, and GM all took steps to retain their management structures and protect assets.

[9] Ford Motor Company, Research Findings About Ford-Werke Under the Nazi Regime (Dearborn, MI: Ford Motor Company, 2001) Section 2 Historical Background of Ford Motor Company and Ford-Werke. This source is made possible due to the first group of slave labor related lawsuits, starting with Iwanowa vs. Ford, which is still in appeal. Although Ford states it lost control of its plant, its own report appears to contradict this claim.

[10] Henry A. Turner, “German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler,” The American Historical Review, 75.1 (1969): 56-70. Turner argues that most businesses lost their autonomy and were under complete control of Nazi authorities. This was particularly stark in the case of his work on GM. He also expanded the ideas in this article with his 1987 book, German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler.

[11] Edwin Black, Nazi Nexus (Washington D.C.: Dialog Press 2009), 123-25. This book is a collection of excerpts from the author’s work which includes sections from Black’s Internal Combustion (Washington D.C.: Dialog Press 2006), from which this particular argument is made. In a phone conversation with Edwin Black on September 26, 2009, Black stated he had to threaten to sue to get access to Turner’s archives.

[12] Peter Hayes, Industry and Ideology, IG Farben in the Nazi era (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), xxx. Right in the acknowledgements he states openly that he received financial support from I.G. Farben to produce the book.

[13] Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot

1933-1949 (New York: Delacorte Press, 1983), 2-31.

[14] Ibid., 1-19, 131-32, 168-69.

[15] John Buchanan “’Bush – Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951’ – Federal Documents,” The New Hampshire Gazette Nov. 2003. 1-2. Also: Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, “How Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise to Power,” Guardian Unlimited September 25, 2004.,12271,1312540,00.html (accessed October 28 2004 and October 4 2009).

[16] Anthony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. (Los Angeles: 1976). (accessed October 4 2009)

[17] Jason Weixelbaum, “A Review of the Shocking Revelations of U.S. Corporate Collaboration with Nazi Germany,”  History News Network (July 9 2009), (accessed October 4, 2009) and Jason Weixelbaum,  “IBM and The Holocaust Still Stuns Readers as Big Blue Remains Silent.” The Cutting Edge News (August 24 2009), (accessed October 4, 2009) The comparative review itself is located at (accessed October 4, 2009)

[18] Michael Ravnitzky, email communications, June 3-6, 2009.

[19] Edwin Black, email and phone communications, June 1-7, 2009. Also: Jacques Pauwels, email conversations, September 2008-09.

[20] Edwin Black, email and phone conversations, September 20-27, 2009.

[21] Michael Mann, A History of Power from the Beginning to A.D. 1760, vol. 1 of The Sources of Social Power (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), 1-33. John A. Hall and Ralph Schroeder, eds., An Anatomy of Power (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2006)

[22] Michael Mann, email conversation, October 4, 2009. I will be meeting in person with Dr. Mann at UCLA to discuss this matter further on October 13, 2009.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Schin vs. Brahma, Ford vs. GM, Seda vs. Pantene e o que podemos aprender com isso

Uma das vantagens de se usar dados observados da internet para medir a força de uma marca, é o imediatismo da resposta.

Após realizar um grande esforço de marketing, seja para promover um novo produto, seja para promover algo de novo em um produto já existente, as empresas fazem estudos para entender o nível de aceitação dessas campanhas. Esses estudos, em sua maioria, levam meses para ficarem prontos.

Mostrarei através desse post, que em questão de minutos se torna fácil medir a eficácia de todo esforço de marketing utilizado pelas empresas para impulsionar as marcas.

Acho que todos se lembram daquela propaganda lançada no segundo semestre de 2003, “Experimenta” da cerveja Nova Schin.

Como grande parte do público-alvo considerava a Schincariol uma cerveja para pessoas de baixa renda e com qualidade in­ferior a outras cervejas do mercado, a empresa revolveu reverter essa idéia criando uma nova cerveja, construindo uma nova marca, produzida por uma nova empresa. Ai veio a Nova Schin, substituindo a Schincariol.

Vejamos o que essa marca conseguiu de resultado, comparando com sua concorrente Brahma, da Ambev:

Fonte: Google Trends

As pesquisas do Google só mostram a partir de 2004, mas mesmo assim da para ter uma idéia do rebuliço causado pela “nova” cerveja.

Lembrando que a Brahma pegou carona nesse sucesso e conseguiu bastante visibilidade com a história do Zeca Pagodinho que começou sendo garoto-propaganda da Schin e depois resolveu estrelar um comercial da concorrente Brahma, no qual disse ter voltado para o seu “amor”.

Atente como a campanha “Experimenta” conseguiu alavancar a marca:

Fonte: Google Trends

Mudando o seguimento, resolvi  analisar as grandes rivais Unilever e Procter and Gamble com suas respectivas marcas Seda e Pantene.

Fonte: Google Trends

Ao me deparar com esse salto da Seda em 2005, resolvi procurar na internet para entender o que tinha acontecido e foi então que eu encontrei a explicação: “A linha Seda lançou no último domingo, 1º de maio, a ‘Promoção Seda no Caminhão do Faustão” Portal da Propaganda

Caramba, a mulherada realmente ficou alvoroçada.

Em 2007, a Pantene deu uma leve sobressaída, contratando a Gisele Bündchen como estrela principal.

Analisando o final do gráfico, notamos uma perda de popularidade da marca Seda, compara com os anos atrás. E pensando nisso, a Unilever está investindo R$ 25 milhões para reposicionar a linha.

Vamos falar um pouco de carros  agora.

Outro dia estava eu vendo televisão, quando me deparei com uma propaganda gozada… Uma mulher, ao ser questionada sobre como ela se vê daqui a 5 anos, imagina a pessoa que lhe fez a pergunta, sendo seu motorista no carro Ford Fusion. O titulo da propaganda é “Quem dirige o novo Ford Fusion fez por merecer”.

Achei a propaganda engraçadinha e resolvi entender o quanto outras pessoas também acharam. Obtive um gráfico surpreso! Ainda mais comparando com seu carro rival: Vectra

Fonte: Google Trends

A propaganda que eu mencionei, foi lançada em junho de 2009. E veja só… deu um pequeno salto… nada comparado com o solto feito em 2006, com o lançamento do carro.

Chequei também, regiões onde cada carro é mais popular. A popularidade do carro Ford Fusion esta visivelmente em São Paulo, diferente do Vectra, onde Santa Catarina ocupa primeiro lugar e São Paulo fica em quarto.

Essas pesquisas mostram que os dados sobre os comportamentos de busca, podem oferecer uma visão rápida e privilegiada do processo de tomada de decisão sem ser distorcido por nenhuma tendência ou preconceito na seleção dos participantes.