Friday, February 19, 2010

Toyota Recalls

I know most of if not all of you have heard about Toyota’s recent recalls. The first started by saying it was a problem with the floor mats causing the accelerator pedal to stick. After further research, they decided it was more of a problem with the pedal itself. What they don’t tell us is that a couple years ago, they went to drive by wire. This means as you push the accelerator down, it sends an electrical sensor to the computer which tells the engine how much fuel it should be receiving. Now, I’m not saying this is the problem, but its kinda funny how the recalled vehicles all have this technology. Prior to using “drive by wire,” the accelerator was attached to a cable which was connected to the throttle body. As the cable was stretched, it opened the throttle body wider allowing more fuel into the motor. And now, Toyota is looking into a possible problem with power steering. They say the power steering issue is limited to the Corolla, and there as been no recall announced as of right now. You may be wondering why I’m posting this on a technology blog. The reason being that “drive by wire” is a relatively new technology. I think if they are going to be using this kind of system, they should do extensive testing to make sure their customers are safe. Toyota is currently advertising their mini-van for families. I really don’t want to put my kids in a van that uses the “drive by wire” system if there is going to be major issues with it. And now with the possible power steering issue, there is no way I would purchase a Toyota especially for my family. I want to know what your opinions are on this issue. Would you buy a Toyota after all these issues? I know Ford is up 24% and GM is up 14% in sales since the Toyota issues. So, lets hear you opinions on this issue.


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