Friday, January 8, 2010

A Sign That The Dollar Isn't What it Used to Be.

Wal-Mart To Begin Trading And Paying Employees In Gold

Article: Elective Decisions

With the value of the U.S. dollar falling faster than Barack Obama’s approval ratings, Wal-Mart has seized the opportunity to begin trading with gold. They have also made plans to pay their employees with gold coins, fearing that the value of the dollar under Obama will simply cease to exist. Wal-Mart also claims that they will fire any employee that isn’t willing to accept gold in payment.

President and CEO Mike Duke said that innovation is the key to making the move to gold. “We’re all about innovation here at Wal-Mart,” stated Duke. “I’m afraid that the dollar is going to be completely worthless here in another year. So we’re getting ahead of the curve. And if you don’t want to get paid in gold, you can always work at KMart.”

Juanita Oro, a 34-year old cashier, said that all her landlord understands is cash. “I can’t except payment in gold,” claimed Oro. “I don’t even have a checking account. I need cold, hard cash. It’s still king.”

Many have heard Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck tout gold, but now American corporations are turning to gold for currency. Many corporations are expected to follow suit—Target, Boeing, Ford Motor Company—with the current administration’s lack of concern over this deflationary trend in the dollar.

“I think this move by Wal-Mart is stupid,” noted Barack Obama. “I haven’t got to the gold market yet, but you can be sure that I’m going to get rid of any market that supports these greedy, evil corporations. You might want to unload all your gold stock now.”

Alan Mulally

Alan Mulally, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ford Motor Company thinks the idea is pure genius. “This is the greatest idea I’ve heard in a long time,” exclaimed Mulally. “I’m joining Wal-Mart. We didn’t take any bailout money from that thug, Obama, and we’re not going to let him

ruin our business with a worthless dollar. Just like America, we’re built Ford tough, and this worthless POTUS can’t keep Ford Motor Company down. Besides, this will be a way to get rid of the

unions, as all contracts will need restructuring.”

As the value of the dollar continues to plummet, many wonder how long it will be before corporations everywhere will be trading in gold.


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