Friday, January 29, 2010

Why are businessmen successful? The Secret Revealed!


‘Whether or not you believe you can or

you believe you can’t,

either way you are right!’ – Henry Ford


Henry Ford, the inventor of the automobile and founder of the Ford Motor Company (, was very often labeled an ‘ignorant man’ as he did not have much formal schooling.

He did not know much about accounting, engineering or literature.

Despite this, Ford founded the Ford Motor Company, which today is a billion dollar global business. 

In actual fact, he did not have the necessary skills or talent to invent anything. He was just a man who kept taking massive action backed by an unshakeable belief that ‘nothing was impossible.’ 

His secret was this. ‘Hire people who are smarter than you and put them to work.’ 

That’s exactly what Ford did. He went out and hired the best brains to work for him. He then tasked them to invent the Ford-T, one of the first automobiles in the world. 

When these scientists and engineers said it was impossible, he said, ‘Do whatever it takes, and you will find a way’, ‘Don’t give me a problem, find a solution.’ Eventually, with all his pushing, the first auto mobile model T was introduced to the world in 1908. 

The same thing still holds true today. Many intelligent, well educated people with MBAs and PhDs never accomplish much because, although they may have the intelligence and knowledge, they don’t take sufficient consistent action. 

Action is the driving force that makes things happen. When you take consistent action towards a specific outcome, you definitely produce results. You either get the results you want (success), or you get the results you don’t want (feedback).  

Knowledge, intelligence and capability turn into power only when ‘action’ is taken. Adam Khoo states that: 

When you are highly academically qualified, you tend to be more risk averse. So you tend to take less action. I am not saying that knowledge and education are not important. They are extremely powerful resources. But taking massive action is the key to unleashing your personal power. People who combine knowledge with massive action become unstoppable in achieving any goal.

Here is a video of the first automobile assembly lines of the world – Ford’s T Model


Happy reading!






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